Business Changes amid COVID-19
Amid the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19, some modifications of policies will be put into play in hopes of alleviating any stress and hesitation you may have about scheduling your bodywork appointments.
The information below outlines health and safety practices for each client moving forward.
The health and safety of all clients and staff is very important. For that reason, clients are required to complete and submit an online intake form no more than 48 hours and no less than 24 hours prior to your upcoming appointment. The health intake form will need to be completed for each and every appointment until further notice. All Aide’s / parents accompanying a client in entry will also need to complete and submit a form – every time.
Below are the following practices which will be put in place and I respectfully request that clients adhere to:
Walk-in appointments have never been a part of practice and now additionally clients, Aide’s, and family not currently receiving a service will be asked to step out into the hallway in order to control the number of people in the office space and to maintain social distancing requirements.
Face masks are required for entry. All clients are to wear masks. If you forget to bring one, one will be given to you. All accompanying Aide’s are to wear a mask - if they do not have one, one will be given to them.
While receiving a therapeutic treatment and in a prone position (face down), face masks can be removed as a tented face cradle cloth will serve as barrier between client and Practitioner. When in the supine position (face up), clients must wear a face mask to cover both their mouth and nose.
If you are experiencing a fever, cough, sore throat or a headache which has lasted more than 24 hours please reschedule your appointment.
Temperature’s will be taken with a non-touch digital scanner at the start of each session until further notice. Anyone accompanying a client into the office space will also have to submit to a temperature check.
Due to COVID-19, the daily number of appointments will be limited until further notice. Office hours will change as needed to accommodate changes to pre- and post- session protocols set by the CDC and OSHA.
Populations especially vulnerable to COVID-19 have stricter recommendations. This includes clients who are over 65 years of age, and those with conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes and suppressed immune systems. In accordance with stricter shelter in place recommendations to protect the more vulnerable, those clients with compromised immune systems and at an elevated risk will need to wait further to make an appointment.